Thursday, July 23, 2020

Calm and Free Review – Can I Learn to Manifest This Mindset?

Holistic Strong.
Calm and Free Review – Can I Learn to Manifest This Mindset?

Sit back, release any tension in your body, and remember to deep breathe as you’re reading this Calm and Free review. Giovanni Dienstmann, noted meditation teacher, life coach, and author, had me at the words, “calm” and “free.” I knew that I had to try out his meditation course, aptly titled, “Calm and Free” because […]

Calm and Free Review – Can I Learn to Manifest This Mindset?
Andy at Holistic Strong

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Monday, July 20, 2020

How to be More Productive – 7 Ways to Increase Productivity / Sanity

Holistic Strong.
How to be More Productive – 7 Ways to Increase Productivity / Sanity

When I was younger, I asked the esoteric question: What is the purpose of life? But once I answered that question, I became more productive in life. Purpose and productivity go hand in hand. But maybe I’m jumping the gun. Let’s first consider that in order to figure out how to be more productive in […]

How to be More Productive – 7 Ways to Increase Productivity / Sanity
Andy at Holistic Strong

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

What is Meditation? (A Mindful View)

Holistic Strong .
What is Meditation? (A Mindful View)

What Exactly is Meditation – Learn by Doing Sit back, close your eyes, and take a deep breath because you’re now going to learn the essence of meditation and what it is all about. Imagine your body and mind consciously relaxed and focused. You’re breathing in a calm manner, taking deep breaths through the nose […]

What is Meditation? (A Mindful View)
Deidre at Holistic Strong

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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

7 Serious Benefits of Laughing at Yourself (The Power in Self-Deprecation)

Holistic Strong .
7 Serious Benefits of Laughing at Yourself (The Power in Self-Deprecation)

Try it, I dare you: Laugh at yourself. Although counter-intuitive to our human instincts to typically protect our fragile egos, laughing at yourself leads to great benefits. Dare I say that laughing at yourself is the best elixir available. Those more inclined to sarcasm and parody may counter that laughing at others is their brand […]

7 Serious Benefits of Laughing at Yourself (The Power in Self-Deprecation)
Andy at Holistic Strong

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